New User Primer


Because of the adult nature of the site, and to protect member privacy, registration is required to access our content, and share yours. You must use a valid email address. You’ll be sent a confirmation email after your registration is manually approved.

New Member Moderation

I want to maintain a friendly atmosphere here. I also want to keep unsavory elements out. The registration form has an anti-spam measure built in. As an extra layer of protection, your first few posts will require moderator approval by me. Once I verify you’re human, you’ll be granted standard access.

Please note, promotion to standard access is not instantaneous. The system runs an hourly event that automatically promotes users who’ve met the requisite post count.

Staying Active

You will never be required to post anything. We don't mind lurkers, but you must log in at least once every 365 days to stay active and avoid having your account deleted. Users with zero posts are automatically deleted after 365 days of inactivity to keep the board clean and organized.

Forum Structure

Our forum is powered by a state-of-the-art, premium community platform called xenForo. Our structure is laid out as follows:


  • Site News – Site-related news and updates
  • Introductions – Introduce yourself and let us get to know you!
  • Water Cooler – Open discussion. Please remember, we are not a debate club.

Galleries - (Reserved for original member artwork)

  • Main Hall - VoD's main gallery. Anything that does not contain extreme subject matter goes here. Explicit sexual elements are allowed if consensual, including cum shots. Urine and feces belong in the Back Room regardless of context.
  • Back Room - Artwork featuring darker themes and extreme subject matter. Elements include violence (ie rape, torture, mutilation), bloodshed, bestiality, hard BDSM, and death. Viewer discretion advised.


  • Nuts and Bolts – Project drafts and works in progress
  • Tips and Tricks – Tutorials, tips, tricks, and other advice
  • Requisitions – Artist requests for prop and environments. Modelers are encouraged to respond if able and willing to fulfill them. Any compensation should be worked out between parties.
  • Links and Resources – Links to art-related sites and resources. Members may advertise here but spamming is prohibited.

Writers Nook

  • Short Stories – Text-only short fiction up to 7500 words. Longer stories are welcome, but please include chapter breaks at your discretion.

Thread Prefixes

Our software includes a function called Thread Prefixes. They're used in the Galleries to provide at-a-glance information about the type of medium used in a given thread. They're color-coded Green for the Main Hall, and Red for the Back Room. They include:

  • 3D Art: 3D-rendered images made with apps like Daz Studio and Poser.
  • AIE: AI Enhanced Art - Member art enhanced with generative AI apps like Stable Diffusion.
  • AIG: AI Generated Art - Generative art made with apps like Stable Diffusion
  • Trad: Traditional Art - Drawings, sketches, and paintings.

You can filter the type of medium you want to see by clicking the prefixes themselves, or clicking one of the thread prefix buttons at the top of the galleries.

Please note, the system lacks the ability to save filter preferences.


We have a trophy system that awards points and congratulates users for reaching various milestones, like post count and reaction scores. It’s a fun way to add a light gamification element to the board. The complete list is on the board's Help section at the bottom.

User Title Ladder

We also have a user title ladder that assigns titles as your post count rises. The more you post, the higher you’ll climb until you reach the top. The titles are:

  • 00 Posts: Shadow
  • 10 Posts: Twilight
  • 25 Posts: Dusk
  • 35 Posts: Midnight
  • 50 Posts: Three AM (named for what’s known as the “witching hour”)

Once you’ve posted 50 messages, you’ll earn a Custom Title trophy and be allowed to create a custom user title. Otherwise, your title will remain "Three AM".
